BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Boo :stuck_out_tongue:
Fair enough though.
I’ll be able to out together if I’ve gained anything from it

We should develop a code.

The 4 is my election, not execution. It’s fine

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I wonder if someone intentionally isnt in thread or like forgot its eod

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Vote manipulation is loud in BOTC, it’s fine.

It would be so funny if someone just dies and flips demon

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I did have that thought

they’d hammer someone else if their condition were met for the former

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It is?

It would be funny

He’s a liar then

Yeah. It’s why only travellers have those powers to change the value of a vote, which are counted aloud in real time.
Or why roles like Organ Grinder warp the game around them.

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Otter’s Mayor ability kills five people for the election total:

Not a big fan of this execution

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I mean

Sounds like an easy demon kill

…this will be. something.

@Jinxed :hammer: @Bionic :triangular_flag_on_post: @Magnus

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if hes not lying he wont die so ig well see


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