BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

@Magnus You know damn well there is 0 threat to whispering me, so why dont you

It’s not thematically or mechanically cohesive. That’s what I think is most relevant, here.

i mean this was a lie

It is strongly in your best interest to talk to me, especially today

I didnt say someone was evil I said if we were both evil like you think Im cleared not demon, someone will end this game and win with us.

I distrust everything you say because ur demon

Yeah, but all three of them immediately went about invalidating the statements first and foremost in a defensive light.

It’d be like if Marluna came out with a redcheck on Tutuu (hypothetically), and everyone just dismissed it as drunk or poisoned immediately.

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I do not believe so.

Bro because its a you role, it screamed fake

Do you really believe some conspiracy theory with whispers?

There is obviously nothing there

I am not the Demon. You have no evidence to believe I’m the Demon, you’re just trying to dismiss that which goes against it.

You don’t know me that well.


Im observant, knowing people is my specialty

I think Litten’s evil because his information gathering ability is verifiably real, and so it would explain why these other two would speak out against me in particular if they knew I was lying.

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Socially you were one of my top demon reads pre poe and now youre in a 1v1 with 3 others

ofc im going for you

Littens role is probably BS yeah

Someone, you’re likely evil from your info. So it doesn’t matter what Marluna learned about you fully.
Droisoning does exist.
I disabled your ability bypassing (Most) immunities because I was tired of dealing with your imperviousness.
And you socially read as just evil.

I believe Bionic was good. You’re saying Bionic wasn’t.


Oh yeah.
Discount that because it’s false. Everyone in that question is good, imo.

You don’t know me that well, I repeat.