BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

VOTE: Someone
VOTE: Atlas’ Election

I WILL strangle you

I’m not pocketed

We have quite a few of those running around.


I didn’t say brak their but lies

Oh dear god

Magnus just is my shepard

In my defense I chose a townsfolk role for them all so

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I’m a townsfolk townsfolk in a townsfolk world

what’d you choose as all your picks again

Look at Unkindness and Storytelling if you’re interested to see how we run theatre.
We were in a situation where we sorta had to distrust each other but kept going after mutual targets, and then came together at the end.

For this game, we whisper early on if we’re evil (Litten tried to whisper me and I turned him down, I just accept if we’re partnered), then we go around together killing other people. It’s not possible.

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Marionette - Fearmonger - Grandmother - Cerenovus.

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I can accept people thonking magnus is simply distancing
I cannot accept the other end of people think I’m distancing since it flies in the face of all my world games

can you give me a marionette fakeclaim ability


just imagine if I was devils advocate and you guys couldn’t execute anyone even with a vizier in game

Any good player that you are mad is good, does not die

Me and Someone never whispered.

It would be pretty hard to collude.
Plus Someone seems salty against me (/s)

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My house doesn’t have a quick trip

Wait this is awful