BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I need to find a place to get junk food at 3 am

“Each night*, choose a player and decide whether the Demon will receive a reward or consequence for killing them tonight. The Demon learns this.”


You know it’s bad to eat food late, right?

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It’s good for Litten to eat food so it cancels out

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3 evils in this list
so unless Brakuren lied about revolutinary pairs it’s probably just the team I suggested

What did you suggest




Magnus and Brakuren ARE not revolutionary partners. They are both wolves. I do not know where the other outsider is, but they are lying. I have a full blown case as to why this is the case.

These are posts where they were suspecting Magnus from the beginning of the game. Even at the start, Brakuren was aligning themselves with Amelia with their posts here:

This was BEFORE they whispered Magnus and could have possibly learned anything from Amelia.

Anyway, now that I’ve established that they are aligned, I’m going to present a team. I’m the only one in the game who so far has presented a coherent team that doesn’t rely on people being skeptical of stuff.


Both Magnus and Brakuren went heavily against someone, and someone pretty much open wolfed at the end there. Someone refused to hammer Amelia or magnus and instead AFK’d until EOD when another villager was (probably) being voted.

Brakuren has also been secretly communicating information with Magnus about the game state:

Someone was communicating with Magnus that they are fine with being voted.

Brakuren straight up lying about Magnus’s role and theirs going so well together:

Someone used flags in both Magnus and Brakuren (which reads to me as aligned):

One final note, there is another unexplained evidence. Magnus stated that they thought there was evidence Amelia was drunk, magnus did not claim a role that suggested this, this is because magnus was softing for a future possible role claim, maybe like librarian or whatever. They claimed lie detector outsider and have been making up abilities to maybe soft in the future.

I think Someone is being honest. We’re not exeing him which would lock him into being evil. Instead, we’re exeing Bionic.

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litten said this in our whisper twice then said something incredibly mundane

bionics dead

Bionic is now claiming ohtsider, making magnus look dubious
and me right

Oh. Never mind then. His ghost can live.

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Bionic has been revived!

Mmm no that’s far-fetched

Look at my wall! Actually look at it!!

Bionic is openwolfing then. He would’ve cced Kiiruma right away if he was outsider.

Please explain to me why a Townsfolk ability can turn evil when Snowe and Hazard don’t like Cult Leader.

@Silviu200530 I was thinking 59 56 35