BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I went for a consult.
Used the ability then.

He does do switch alignkents

so like during the day

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Thats maybe not the word I would use


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I’m not being dumb here what’s wrong with the word

well the goon goons thats what the goon do

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Alright, I’ll refute this.

It’s less public alliance and more “having a good start with Amelia”, due to their brief “not very complicated roles” interaction. They aren’t thinking along the same lines at this point in time.

Brakuren and I don’t have a reason to refuse whispering Someone, or to actively tunnel them if we don’t know about their abilities, yada yada. I was only being voted by Amelia at the time, and Amelia was only being voted by Someone. For an “aligned” team, that’s awfully discordant. Maybe we would’ve whispered each other and been less weird. We didn’t whisper Tutuu for a while in the Swordsman game, but as Minions we all colluded and passed around messages early on even with limited whispers, so you would expect a similar playstyle from me here.

Those aren’t really secret messages, and you would expect much the same type of comments from the claimed revolutionary pair. We whispered for eleven hours on day 1, yada yada.

But they were also bothered about it at the same time, they just wanted to prove it would execute anyway.

Regarding the daytime lie detector and the night time investigator, those roles as claimed at the time worked together in principle.

Someone also tried to execute using Kiiruma’s name as a flag earlier, so it’s not about outing evils names with the flag in order to execute.



Or alternatively: Someone is just evil (Which most worlds have built unless you’re saying that Bionic is evil) and is just trying to buy time so Someone can gain their ability back

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Also I did, so…

Every single person I said I could change alignment, I only told Marluna and Leafia full role tho

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Your ability requires them to die d1?

I never said politician tho

making sure its something preplanned

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So you are either evil or your registering as evil

I swear I heard he disliked cult leader in particular.

Because today im evil, so good wont affect me, and clearly im affected

I was told by Marluna you lied to them

If you’re telling the truth it’s entirely possible I’m registering as evil due to the fact that I have some unknown downsides attached to my ability. I believe however it’s more likely that you’re just evil and lying