BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Wrong. Bionic is never good if Someone is being 100% honest.

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Or how the Pukka becomes a Mafia Goon.


but that doesnt say much

“We are about to find out very quick if I’m the lunatic or not”


You have admitted to being evil due to your own alignment change. If this is a lie, it’s because you’re a Minion. Yada yada.
I don’t have to whisper you.

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Someone is either currently evil and is telling the truth about their character. So is probably lying about Bionic being evil.

Or is an evil minion / demon. So is probably lying about Bionic being evil.

And if its not?

He has no reason to claim like that if he’s a minion. Also,the claim is too wacky to be fake I think.

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im the atheist

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Would you believe me if I said I choose people each night and recieved a tarot card relating to their future

Are you going to say the storytellers can lie to you about your alignment?


It makes no sense for me to claim anything if im evil, I would just say a weak role, hell I could just never hammer except when demon is threatened

if everyone does a dance and records themselves and then does a triple backflip out their window we win

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what no?

It’s absolutely not too whacky.
I could imagine much crazier abilities up.

Heck I daydreamed of what my demon choice could’ve done.
And then daydreamed of a fake townsfolk claim to help hide my demonic ability.

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No reason to doubt you at the moment.


Then what are you insinuating?

Not everyone can do so though.

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What if I told you the reason I weakly doubted your bluff at the beginning of the game was because I wanted you to live?

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I day dreamed of being a more interesting role
I love my tarot cards don’t get me wrong and helped me confirm two people

but I found out very quickly an info rolenisnt mechanically interesting