BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

If its a lie, im evil (duh), and if its real?

you dont even consider the possibility

Which only makes sense if your evil

You could be lying about that but it doesn’t exactly feel like a lie.

A classic move: If you trust someone, throw some shade towards them to increase their likelihood of surviving. After all evils don’t wanna kill evil candidates


youre indisputably evil at the moment, right

You don’t want to be locked as evil because you’re currently evil according to your ability. So… if it’s real, you’re still evil, just in a different way; and so is Kiiruma.

if it’s a Shab why did only one guy die last night

Good question.

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alignment wise yes

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and Bionic

If Someone was telling the full truth, the evil team would be Kiiruma / Bionic / +2. As funny as that would be…

Doctor claims.

Yet if we work backwards on that:
If I’m evil
Then I’m lying about gaining the ability I did
So Someone should be able to have their ability work

So why is Someone’s ability not working?

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If Bionic and Kiiruma were both evil, I’d be confirmed good from the Outsider fabled.

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…or just the demons ability


I almost chose toy maker as an townsfolk

Which means that Someone’s pushes have been… disingenuous


Oh I can read that iso

I would have to read that iso
No thank you I did that last night was not fun

What pushes, me pushing dead people?