BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I had to get my wording tweaked because it was false, yeah. I don’t know Litten’s exact ability text, but my concern has less to do with unclear syntax and more about missing mechanics in it.

It’s very clear

I… just can’t believe it, I’m sorry. Snowe and Hazard are both more than capable of creating complicated and fun roles, but I’d believe they’d try to maintain cohesive theming. We’ll find out later, but if you’re evil I could absolutely see you writing up a thrillingly complicated bluff that went over the top.

I’ve already found someone who’s role directly mirrors mine, mechanic wise.

That sounds interesting.

I don’t really need for YOU to believe it, I just need other people to believe it, my role is directly being supported as being real by someone else’s mechanics, my role is directly being supported by me knowing the general idea of what may was going to act like which is why I refused whatever they asked, and you are pushing me off socials and mechanics which from my point of view are both wrong

I also think if you are evil you would probably have the most scary evil role out of everyone too so that’s a bonus Hui Jing

I’ll dwell on that in the morning.
There’s probably no Vortox Demon. Bionic’s the only player I could see choosing Vortox as their Demon U-Pick, and the irregular Ultimate talents aren’t evidence for it.

my role name is wrong and someone else’s is too

ultimate name*

There can be a Vortox whatever else, but it’s a super boring selection, there’s no reason for it to affect flavour titles except as a signal, and it’s not even consistent.

I’d call the Night 1 thing better evidence of a Demon than that.

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Nothing short of “someone else having a functionally similar flavour to me” is going to constitute such support to me, I think. Knowing how someone will react to a certain stimuli is incredibly subjective and simple to alter after the fact as a bluff so that doesn’t mean a whole lot to me.
I’ll trust Atlas’s judgment on the matter. Not May’s.

it’s basically the same role

I’ve already claimed my Demon and Minion picks. You could read into whether you think I was lying about those if you like.

…Why would the Storytellers create a duplicate role? I thought you meant they interlocked together, what?

It’s not the same role but they are clearly meant to work together.

To be verified independently.

@Silviu200530 breaking whisper since we can now talk here and we’ve said the important things.


Happy to be townread.

Two hours, fifty seven minutes.

I mean to be fair it’s not like we’ve talked the entire time.
But we had to organise things with my character and Silviu’s.

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