BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

for reference, may confirmed they had a plan to basically do the result I told you

Coordinating bluffs for the entire evil team, I respect it.

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I still need someone who’s going to not agree / will say no
For the sake of my ability since if 2 people say the same result it’s… not the best.

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Litten, why did you out publicly undisclosed information earlier relating to May’s character?


You said what the ability was.

Oh yeah I thought they were trying to make me gain something -ev and that’s why I told people to refuse anything they say

Hold on let me check

If you need a person to take a fall, I’m willing to offer.

I forget how evils work fully in botc

Do they have a chat and do they know who each other are? I think I remember previously the demon at least dosent know their teamates

I’m here now.

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Didn’t claim what it did I told them they were trying to get people to do something

Look if you got my result you too would refuse anything they asked and be immedaitely suspciois of it

Unless anybody’s ability prevents it, evils know each other.
But not what each other is.
Nor do they have a chat together (Unless someone’s ability changes that)

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They know who each other are (unless an ability says otherwise), but they have no private chat and have to communicate via whispers like the rest of us (unless an ability says otherwise).

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They know each other (most of the times) and know which evil is the demon.

But they don’t have private chats, they have the same whisper tools as goods.

Well, jinx.



I’m referring to something you said halfway during my whisper with Brak.
You said the exact name.

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To be fair I don’t know exactly what will happen. My ability is… finickity to put it mildly.
But 2 Yes / Agree or 2 No / Disagree isn’t the best due to everything having consequences and I think that 1 Yes + 1 No is optimal since it at least gives something.

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