BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Oh I 100% will hammer dont worry bout it

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Do you think it’s too strong?

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Idk hard to say without knowing other ppl’s roles

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Gotcha. We’ll see about that in the coming days, then.

Oh they just never changed the thread title off Night 1 I thought something interesting had happened

But yea idk how long everyone else’s abilities are but mine is a wall of text so :ghost:

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but it cannot fit on a token someone

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(not a literal wall, but it is long af)

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I think it’s intentional.

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Breaking whisper @Marluna

Yea there is no way lmao

If it’s night one can I still send in actions

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I mean if its night I cant hammer so :ghost:


…Huh. How strange.

I sent in an action

To be fair my ability is… stupid long. But it has to be or else it is even more harmful than it already is. And it’s rough anyway

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It’s broken, I guess.
I realyy cam up with that question at a wrong time, did I?

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I mean, this was set at the beginning.

Kiiruma do you trust Marluna