BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I mean I did choose vizier, who has a notoriously long ability text lmao


I truly don’t know. I’m a bit mixed.

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I chose (character) which doesn’t usually have very long text. But it… sure does now.
Mine’s a f’ing paragraph.


oh same

And it’s not even fully explained within the paragraph.

my ability is only twenty words maybe you guys should have randed sane town folk

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more words = more power


Well sorry that I randed Outsider.

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oh trust me
I need a word document for those twenty words

I mean yeah. Mine’s powerful but not necessarily a good thing lmao

The funniest thing about my role is it’s not really going to help besides confirm that I have the role I think

My role can help but will also hinder.
It can confirm I’m telling the truth if we coordinate it well though.

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I believe you, confirming you isn’t really the proglem yeah.

its not n1 ill try an fix that when im not deathly exhausted


Is it 5 hour long explanation long

nobody’s is gonna be 5 hour long

I’m VLR/ZTD Ally/Betray mechanic but with downsides and some upsides. And a huge downside (Not gonna state what that bit is to do with)

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This is kinda why I don’t mind dying n2 even though my role is cool
It’s did it’s job, I’m mechanically confirmed to at least have my role
Of course I could be evil with the role but as far as I’m concerned my major job this game was choosing the perfect person night one to get crucial information which I did
It’s not really going to probably help more, but if I do die we could at least confirm whether or not leafia is telling the truth, which is also beneficial I think

I can’t find the joke token.

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Magnus’s was. We were whispering for 11 straight hours