BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

You can be town then.

I’m unsure if May is acting like Mayself. She sounds so different, did NAY enter into her? Or is it the pfp?

To be clear this doesn’t replace their main ability, it’s just added on. So there’s a Good player who just. Has the Saint ability now

so when I asked snow about what the uh things mean
she gave me a copied pasted version of the result

That’s why I’m warning you because I’m looking at the result and you are sounding SO COCKY about it



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you definitely gloated to the hosts

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What is a heretic

I spammed the :slot_machine: emoji like 500 times to represent the Gamble I was taking to win the game D2

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So uh probably deserved. Gamblegamblegamblegamblegamblegamble

Honestly I wish snow professed my result because hazzy did it fucked me up so hard

Everyone winning lose, everyone lossing win. Even if you are dead.
(Basically it flips wincons)

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For the record my initial plan was an attempt to technicality my way into a homebrew Outsider that could instawin

Because my rolecard didn’t say only official characters

Anyway that was my plan. The plus side of the plan is that it’s still a greencheck no matter what, and a greenchecked Saint is literally not dangerous at all. That’s why I was willing to go through it N1 despite the risks. The Heretic part of the plan is more scary

Wait may why did you

Also if they don’t like me they can stack the Outsider abilities onto the same player/make an evil player misregister somehow to get the ability, so I do not get infinite greenchecks, but I’m 95% sure they put the Saint on an actually Good player


Do you mean 49? That’s true

If it’s true what the fuck are you expecting to happen here

It’s still true I’m just not outing that publicly because it outs your role