BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Your shoulders hurt?

Got called by boss

How mean! What did he want with you?

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Project is behind schedule, asked me to fix the problem

Joys of ppl not doing work on time

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Seriously though, if you have chronic fatigue and you don’t exactly have an idea where it’s coming from, it might be something that you pretty much should get checked out with a medic.

Good night.

…silviu’s probably town

idk how to tell you guys that i am trying my best and i don’t need your health advice as much as i am trying to explain the reason why i have not been here

they had okay insight + stuff in neighbour whispers and stayed here the amount of time i expected

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like i see doctors regularly for this and other ailments i promise


question were you given a Saint ability
we are trying to confirm may

i wasnt im the mayor

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I mean just given the Saint ability

what do you mean

mayor we seem to have conflicting government structures here

why is there a vizier and a democracy

may is claiming to give someone an ohtsider ability

i dont have that

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may claims an outsider that gives out other outsiders
she’s trying to figure out who got the saint she gave out n1 (why… do that instead of giving out golem or heretic n1) so she can make heretic n2 and exe them for a good win

I wouldn’t trust someone claiming to make a heretic