BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

brb my lunch is here

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why was may’s plan suspicious to you in the first place

she wanted me to claim a role I wasn’t

…so exactly what we did last botf game

well it’s different off my info I knew she was trying to do something and she wanted me to claim a role I wasn’t and I didn’t want to gain the ability of that role

what was the role he wanted you to claim


I’m not and have never been the tinker

…why would that advance his plan anyway

creating outsiders would be really useful to the evil team even if it outs them and considering they went to me first it made me think it was weird and not concidental I was given that info

thats not my question, sorry
why would goodmay ask you to do that

that’s a good question I need to ask them in the future

if you pubclaimed it the created Saint would claim theirs too, so its not like it’ll hide anything

creating a butler would have been my choice personally n1

yeah it was weird

i’m back can we kill may
that’s basically my favorite activity
VOTE: may you’re too far up

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do you have a red check on may btw

i’m the mayor

that wasn’t my question did a birdy tell you they were evil

The Tinker was part of an elaborate gambit to hide my actual role in order to avoid the Demon figuring out my plan to make a Heretic