BoTF XIII.1 Grave Digging and Filling Day Six (Final Day) Evil Win

hello yes kiiruma the way you were acting on this game 2 years ago is completely different from how you were acting now?? I’m votelocking you

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Yeah, I’ve seen flimsy reasoning for lots of people getting voted on at times. Seems to be part of FM. :slight_smile:

It wouldn’t be so bad if half the people who play FM didn’t sound like they had their heads so far up their asses they were seeing the sun from the other side

No offense to you guys of course

i disagree with your vibes

These kinds of posts are probably the biggest reason I get irritated


Yeah, true. It’s not so bad if people play with a good attitude. Than it is easier to accept accusations.

its the way you said it
your obv trying to fake posts and emotions as scum

I’m not saying the accusations people make are bad, but they sure are hard to agree with when the dude makes themselves out to be the god of FM and if you aren’t voting with them you are simply braindead/stupid/evil

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new person

/whisper Whysper

Ahhhh yes, that’s the worse


have fun giving your role away

btw I have like 6 peoples claims and I’ve whispered like 3 people

seriously people

I know people say you should be confident in your claim but seeing people be so obviously wrong about what I am doing and why makes me both equal parts annoyed and…perplexed? I don’t know the word

What good does being confident in your reads do if you’re consistently wrong, if you’re wrong but you keep sounding like you’re convinced you’re right it’s going to become noticable and eventually the smart thing to do will be to just not listen lol

also can someone get nightkilled instead of me my role is defenitly valuable

i just want infinite votes

I probably shouldn’t ruin this thread with pointless ranting but it does feel theraputic ok

btw night and mag are tied and we got 5 mins