BoTF XIII.1 Grave Digging and Filling Day Six (Final Day) Evil Win

If you’re new
You have a chance of blowing up the game if you don’t act carefully

Ideally you fakeclaim and let yourself get nk’d but
Thats too dangerous with not enough experience

They might not think it important to say something right away, especially if they haven’t been nominated

Yeah, the slot I replaced into was already highly suspected and going to be ML’d. I couldn’t do anything to turn that around, so it lost the game. :slight_smile:

If you can blow up the game, it’s important enough to say, even if you’re unaware

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Anyway, Saint is only one of the possible Outsiders. Could be another. And I do agree that your reasonings for malfunctioning being lower possibility are mostly sound. Just it isn’t completely out.

Pukka is actually 100% still on the table right now imo

It’s important to say what you are unaware is important to say :slight_smile:

Pukka is impossible
That kind of mistake would’ve been corrected n1

People can read ability texts

Sure, whats up

you have done several crimes
we are going to talk about those and I am defenitly not going to tell you the evil team
/whisper jarek

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kiiruma is never the pukka agreed
but i think that theoretically it could have been corrected exclusively in-rolecard with the pukka and angleshooting that in any meaningful way feels bad

That doesn’t change the fact it exists
/whisper jarek


you keep telling yoursrelf that
note: that doesnt necessarily mean that that isnt true
there’s nothing wrong with telling yourself something that is true

Losing an FT early is sad but it’s Jarek, it would’ve been hard to believe him later so this is fine ig…

Also there was a mod misreading with my votes yesterday(partly my problem because I worded it oddly) but my vote was hand up on magnus. I still don’t really mind magnus not dying because I still have no idea why I’m in conflict with him.

I’ll be going to bed soon. Reminder that nominations commence 2022-02-14T14:30:00Z and end 2022-02-15T02:30:00Z.