BoTF XIII.1 Grave Digging and Filling Day Six (Final Day) Evil Win

Yeah, you might be right. It is just one of the possibilities. Actually just simply him malfunctioning might be the highest probability.

no its because im the expath and each night i learn how many jareks are evil

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Either you or Nancy is the fake red, or one of you is demon

Are you saying that him malfunctioning is out? Did he claim getting Barista’d or something?

if you think about it this info actually sucks
“either one of whysper/nancy is the demon or theyre not”

I’m saying him malfunctioning is almost completely out of the picture


i just explained that

i dont think it is but I also think crich would 100% screw up this thing in this way if this thing thinged thing

Uhhh, where? You just mentioned the other possibilities again. You didn’t say anything about why the malfunctioning is out.

here’s the possible ways he could be malfunctioning, excluding fake red

Drunk - That means st would have to give him a fake red on n1, and something that adds outsiders must be in play
That’d be
Baron - Unlikely, one of the two added would’ve come out by now
Balloonist - Possible, but I doubt this for reasons

Poisoner - They’d have to pick him n1, which I assume we all got our info early. This is the maybe part
No dash - He wouldn’t have gotten red
Pukka - There was an error with it before, which means they’d have to ignore n1.


Question: Who was Barista’d?

Not me

Hard to say on this since we have at least a couple players who haven’t really said much

I would never barista you even if I had the chance to.

They would’ve at least spoken then
Its the same reason we used for Undertaker

Thanks Jake
Also its random so you don’t choose

Well yeah, I’d hope so. But I don’t know how much experience those players have with BotF, so hard to say. And maybe they planned to come back later to talk more and just haven’t had a chance. We don’t know why they aren’t saying much.

If you get like Saint and you’re new you’re likely going to say it

I wouldn’t count on that. I actually played in a game where I replaced into a Saint slot where the previous player fake-claimed something else :slight_smile: