BOTF XIII Main Thread Game is being Reracked

I mean

Base 0 Outsiders wouldve been too good for good so weh

Lunatic recieving full info isnt rare but

Youd eventually discover that you were actually Lunatic

Trust me BOTC works like that

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Awww man, I just started seeing people talk about trusting me and telling me all the answers and such. Haha. :slight_smile:

That’s true, except canning the game was the only thing that could be done.
The integrity breach was too severe for any other action to be taken.


Well fair I suppose

but everyone did see it so like

Im pretty sure there werent any better options

It is what it is

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also this one is confirmable because zero nightkills

In another world I would be confirmed Soldier

that just leaves me minion and demon

When you think about it, considering TB has Spy in its home script and most script creators dont bother adding Soldier to their script most of the time cause it is so bland, that would be pretty cool

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Sure, we might not have been able to do it in this case, but in general you shouldn’t post something that basically amounts to “@host there’s a problem with your game, and if everyone knows about it you’ll have to can the game” in the main thread, because even if the problem is publicly viewable, that doesn’t mean everyone has seen it yet, or even that anyone has seen it.

Possible breaches of game integrity need to be disclosed to the host privately and discreetly to allow the game’s integrity to remain as high as it can be, and to allow the host to have the most control over the situation.

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I had figured you were probably soldier but literally every other nightkill option for me was bad

kiiru was poe, night was stormtossed, atlas was poe, jarek was minion

ST and Soldier in a 7p also feels like

kinda weird to me

but im not an expert in botc balance

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also the flavor explicitly confirming wazza as not demon then the hosts being like “yeah but people don’t flavor solve” when I brought it up was just


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i don’t wanna needlessly rag on the hosts so i should probably stop or at least come up with a point here

i flavorsolved using it

I’ll need some time to process what happened as well as RL things so good night now everyone. :sleepingleafeon:


These all essentially say 'Game needed to be canned here, mate" which I’m not disagreeing with. I’m not saying canning a game should never happen, only that it should be the last resort, and it should be up to the mod to declare, not for the players to ruin the game’s integrity to the point of needing canned.

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it was already ruined
Demon hunting is a good part of the game, and a poe which consist of 3 players when the game could’ve been saved by wolves is kinds bad

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imo there is clearly a spectrum of severity of game integrity breaches, with like ‘player accidentally likes a post during night on mobile’ on one end, and ‘host posts everyone’s alignment in the game thread’ on the other end

and separately a spectrum of how widely available the breach was, with ‘accidentally spewed something to one player’ on one end and ‘posted it publicly and pinged everyone’ on the other

and we can debate where exactly the line is between ‘can recover and continue the game, possibly with compensation or modification’ and ‘can’t recover,’ but ‘posted the entire rand publicly’ is definitely on the latter side of the line


Again, I am


saying that this game in particular could have been salvaged.

What I am saying is that, in general, we should report all breaches of game integrity to the host for them to deal with. This is the best way to maintain game integrity, as it gives the host the most options for what they can do.

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(I do agree that regardless of severity it is good practice to inform the hosts privately of integrity breaches rather than publicly)