BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome (13/15) + (3/5) Travelers Signups Closed

Blind Man’s Bluff meets Fall of Rome?
Just do your actions 4head

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YBW and I don’t learn our alignments.

That’s fine. Just play against YBW. Not for any alignment. Just do what you think YBW doesn’t want you to do


@YoubutWorse I have been advised to make you lose.

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Signups are closed. Rolecards will be sent out soon.

I think we should all call the Demon “the boss”. It’ll be amusing.

okay the boss

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No boss, that isn’t what I meant.


I personally think magnus and ybw should get along

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what’s the problem the boss

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I agree. We’re gonna chill.


Boss, you misunderstood me.

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The Boss, what should I have interpeted your words as

Boss contacted me on Discord a short while ago.

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No. I’m Boss-acus!


Anyway I’ve already submitted my Cleopatra kills in my non-existent rolecard.

I’ve pre submited all my emperor actions

If you could save one of YBW or I, who would you protect?

I just hope I start good this game.
As last game I showed yall I can boss as evil by using mechanics to my advantage.

It’s time to be the good boyo

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You forgot the Oracle game.