BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome (13/15) + (3/5) Travelers Signups Closed

Probably. 1 more signup is 12 players with base 2 outsiders.

double check if drunk @Playwright

Sober enough.

/join feel free to randomly seat me

I’m excited for this



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/Join in 11


May update I’m home but somewhat tormented (UNDERSTATEMENT) so I will note ahead of time that I will be recovering from jetlag among other things while this game is starting

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Expect not much from me

I have a bit of a question.

If a traveler is evil, and the Demon is Hannibal, do they know both Hannibals?

Yes, as both Hannibals are the Demon.

Ooh interesting.

Make me the Hannibal pls?

The roles will be randomised.


Hey you gotta take all the shots you can.

But if I get Hannibal after this it’ll be really funny lol

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Lets have 2 more residents for a base 2 outsider game.

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Outsiders are meant to balance having extra players. This is still actually pretty balanced.
Outsiders are fun though, so yeah.

As there are 13 residents. I’m allowing a 4th traveler.

The options are Architect, Sibyl and one of Pontiff or Pontifex Maximus.


wait what

what the fuck