BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome (13/15) + (3/5) Travelers Signups Closed


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Not to be confused with Fortnight.


Tis not, there’s 3 official scripts + several released experimental characters who’ll be getting their own home scripts in time.

But there’s a lot of homebrew scripts too, this being one of the more popular of em

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So Litten’s the Vizier now.

Requires us to run Vizier

When I’m not entirely sure most of these players would like playing as an immortal Guilty Child :upside_down_face:


What’s vizsr

You get to execute players all on your own.

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Can exiles travwlers still speak


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All players know who you are. You can not die during the day. If good voted, you may choose to execute immediately.

Is a Minion

Immortal Guilty Child who can instantly execute players with even 1 good player voting them


Is this balanced by the fact that people know you aren’t demon

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Eventually the demon may need to kill you

Somewhat yes

Vizier isn’t actually that strong if Good is incredibly coordinated but irl usually they are not


Vizier irl sounds fun

I’m not the Demon!! Mods kill him back please

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Also had a dumb idea

Mole Vizier

Everyone talks to the guilty child in hopes of merlin info


I think you would need a Scarlet Woman or something on that script to prevent the Mole Vizier from instantly winning the game.

What’s mole

Goodie who gets evil information but might also lose the game if they say too much.

Do evils guess?