BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

I think most people try to rolefish in this game but I buy it.

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/nominate Apocryphal @CRichardFortressLies @Hazardwaste @Playwright

Apo, we do gotta look for a Standard Bearer. Here’s an opportunity to use your ability if you are one, since you can’t privately claim.

Can I rolefish you too, Catbae?

Everyuone is always rolefishing here

/Whisper May.

Expectations are not that you are honest with them

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Yup. Maybe. Almost certainly.

Big F Moment

Haven’t been as active as I could’ve been due partly to RL but I’m here now. When does the voting ohase start?

About two hours from now

Gotcha and thanks for letting me know.


/Whisper @Achromatic

Let’s see what I can get from you.

@Magnus are u here just got back from a thing

I’m here.
/Whisper YBW.

/accept you make it tho

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Literally being abandoned. LEFT in the DUST

I wanted to be accused of being evil some more it’s my favourite