BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

I guess no one whispered me besides litten because I was obv good lol

Despite my post counts, I tend to not have a big effect on games

I only reach out to people if I have a reason to, I don’t just do it for role trading to fill out a grim
but I’m open to whispers I’m not gonna say no if someone asks

Which makes sense my isos are like a gross of fluff posts with the occasion read thrown in within it all

I’m obviously good traveler as I wasted evil check if I was evil so whisper me ur roles

oh btw Magnus is the evil mercenary

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This is like plainly obvious, yeah

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I keep staring at their avatar expecting amogus wide open many toothed mouth

Can we exile magnus
I don’t trust them with abilities

/break whisper

no we need YBW’s ability still

Knowing magnus they will find a loophole that wins evil the game instantly


I really should be going to sleep

Magnus isn’t lockscum, c’mon. It’s Magnus.

Ybw never guessed as evil

The vibes though

if Magnus isn’t scum
don’t do the things they’re doing maybe

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Magnus tried to soft to me as though they knew demon was Hannibal in a whisper with me and I didn’t respond but noted it down

Magnus has been trying to get me to admit that I’m the Demon in whispers the entire game. They have only just given up

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i wanna have my ability :pleading_face:

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