BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

Reminder that voting phase ends in 31 minutes 2023-07-22T01:00:00Z. If you don’t vote by then, it will be default no on all nominations.


whoops i wasn’t expecting this so soon

tell me what to do

Vote where your heart tells you, but I’d rather you didn’t guilty Marluna at least.

you’re the one trying to kill me

Not really.

yes you are!!!

How am I trying to kill you? Are you feeling the slightest bit threatened right now?

this is a weird equivocation when you 1. nominated me and 2. voted to execute me not that long ago

liek do you think i just didnt read the thread and you could get away with lying to my face???

im not stupid, magnus

/Execute Marluna
/Pardon others

Magnus is just evil smh

Sure, but I’m not advocating for your death?



People only say I’m evil when I’m good for the record.

Would you like to kill a useful, confirmable character?
Would you like to rid an alignment cop of their source?
Would you like to have every good player in the game be drunk for a night?

If the answer to any of these are “no”, you should unvote Marluna.

Then I’m not voting to execute everyone but myself

I can’t have that, that’s not funny

Are those your genuine thoughts on the matter?