BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

You chose like the worst person to try to appeal to, here


You’re absolutely a Minion, aren’t you?

No, just a gremlin


Fine then. Everyone else.


If I was more experienced and less of a gremlin, I would be swayed by your argument

But neither of those are the case, so you’re shit out of luck when it comes to dealing with me




I think “useful and confirmable” and “alignment cop” are fairly comprehensible to anyone who has played a game of Mafia before.
“Drunk” means no good player’s ability will actually work tonight.

I am the emperor
I have the power to prevent you guys from skill issuing
Magnus why should I pardon marluna(

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Huh. Imagine actually preventing an execution, I never would’ve seen the day.
One of the above.

You’re absolutely correct

I’m just not taking this seriously

I need an exact answer or I won’t.

There is no twins

I am the only alignment cop

That’s rough.
Marluna has been seen by a Twins claim. Night isn’t the only Outsider claim.

One of those has to be lying.

I would prefer to get Baker executed today because reasons.

I would honestly rather believe a private Outsider claim than a public one.