BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed


What have I missed?

Do you accept whispers?

I do, now

If you want, we can whisper

I’ll tell you right now

I’m not initiating or making it

The spotlight turns back on and the music starts to climax!

Act 2 is finishing who will be taking their curtain call!

Nominations are open for the next 12 Hours!


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Nominations moment

/whisper Apocry


/nominate @guavagudetama @Playwright

Don’t expect it to go through as I have said. if it does, great my paranoia is lifted. I currently think this is an evil player claiming to be tempted when they weren’t to buy time and live longer because everyone will ignore them because “oh no we don’t want them to die or someone will be evil!”

@Jarek has nominated @guavagudetama

Accusation: Don’t expect it to go through as I have said. if it does, great my paranoia is lifted. I currently think this is an evil player claiming to be tempted when they weren’t to buy time and live longer because everyone will ignore them because “oh no we don’t want them to die or someone will be evil!”


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/whisper @Magnus

I sent a 10 word message to achro cuz I thought he was my neighbor
I’m saying this because he’s not my neighbor so you guys should be aware I just whispered my demon asking for bluffs


Hello Silviu

/breaking bad whisper

It’s kind of funny they killed me tbh, since /I am spartacus @Playwright
what a weird role lmao, I don’t get this game.

anyway ping me if you need me. Hope I did this right.

/whisper Achro

I dont do whispers when dead, sorry


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too spooky for me

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