BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

And why you think the game won’t end, while Kiiruma does?

Kiiruma doesn’t pull this kind of stunt as Centurian after all.

If Achro is Augur, why the fuck is he dead?
Plus Leafia’s info has been messed up since N1, not just N2.
And on top of this in the world Achro is Augur, there’s no outsiders, so it ruins the claim of Winemaker and confirms Leaf as evil :wolf_woah:

Kiiruma has TMIed several times that it won’t end Marluna.

Following Leaf’s own TMI.
Which tells me Leaf is softing Augur :blobby:

Well that legionary would be losing with us lol

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All he says is “This game will end except in the specific situation where you’re (Leafia) the augur”

That’s literally what he keeps repeating

What the fuck do you mean he’s the one who tmis that this doesn’t end the game

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Hmmm, the latter is a good point honestly so Achro can only have been Augur if I’m Hannibal.

You just answered your own quest I’ll on there. That’s him covering hid bases for once the game doesn’t end.


Anyway Leafia, you’re so confident that I’m evil that you must want to be executed right?

Surely executing me is a terrible plan, since executing you confirms I’m full of shit and gets you confirmed by Litten? :blobby:

This will confirm me as good. Tomorrow, we can get you.

Good, so me and Leafia both agree that Leafia is the execution.
And nobody should object to it

I mean honestly fmpov if Litten is good, I’ll be confirmed either way and Leafia shall be confirmed wuff so I’m happy with this

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The gamestate confirms that I’m not Sugur after all, so let’s dance this dance of death and seevwho gets confitmed as wolf, shall we?

How does it confirm you’re not Augur hm?

I’ll be the one confirmed if Litten is good, not you.

That’s the worst part

Both of you agree that Leafia should be execution

This debate is so fucking stupid


Achro nominated me yey he died N2. That’s a stupid kill if I’m Augur and Night’s actions confirm it too because if he’s evil, I’m confirmed Hannibal because he has no reason to act the way that he has otherwise and if he’s town, I’m telling the truth about being legionary.

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Laughs True. Tomorrow will tell all after all.

Here you are

Still assuming there is going to be a tomorrow

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