BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

Leafia has Guess Litten as Spartacus. Nothing happens

I know Kiiruma like a book Apoc. He would never pull this stunt as an actual Centurian. No one would.

It’s far too risky. I have literally years of experience with Kiiruma.

But why claim centurion if he isn’t, regardless?

Centurion at the time of an execution is one of the most confirmable roles on this list that I have seen

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I see no value in fake claiming and maintaining a fake claim on a role that can literally end the game

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Leafia, you claiming you know me like a book is like saying a toddler knows how to read an encyclopedia.
You’re wrong on me so often.

Because he thinks Litten is evil and is hoping to have evil!Litten claim that I was the Auruk. That how you spell it? I think it is. Going from memory here.

True but I know I’m not wrong on you right now.

Leafia is Augur trying to be derpcleared as “not knowing what the character is called”

Oh yeah. It’s Augur and nice try. Achro wouldn’t have been killed if I was augur.

This is such a bruh moment

I have no idea what is happening in this game anymore but I am in a great fucking mood yall.


I’m claiming a thing which ends the game unless Leafia is 1 specific minion

… In town’s favor right

If Leafia is evil which I’m fairly sure Leafia has to be… yes.
If Leafia is somehow good, then no. We will lose

If so, man for all the warnings I got pre-game that this was really tough I died n1 and I helped solve the game.

I am a prodigy at BotF.

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Leafia, the Augur, who is the Augur from the Augur,

If Leafia’s the Augur then Night had no reason to out and we should read into why she did that BTW

Last time I went “lol lmao” over an evil outing for nothing in BotC I was in fact the one getting owned
