BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

Just because you’re correct doesn’t make it fair to read people off activity when real life happens.

it wasn’t activity

But Magnus, volume tells? :scream:

While it’s nice to be townread, I don’t think it’ll be helpful to read into us at all for the early stages of the game because it genuinely won’t help either way, knowing who’s good and who’s evil outside of exchanging information. (Which you should be doing anyway, because it’s a game.)

YBW has a volume tell? That’s news to me.

/whisper silviu


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/accept Litten

into my life!! :D

The best time of the game has arrived. That’s nomination time. 2023-07-21T01:00:00Z is when it ends.

I’ll like to nominate Playwright.

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I disagree

This is a serious nom

Storyteller noms usually aren’t accepted without an Atheist on the script.

Wasn’t I allowed to Nom the monkey

There was an atheist in play

I think you nominated Jarek, specifically?

I want to nom Hazardwaste

… what the fuck