BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

It sounds hazardous and most likely a waste

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I’ll be nominating when I’m awake.

You randed me town. For that crime you must perish.

@May gotcha catch up tomorrow.


Am I allowed to or not


May still didn’t answer me

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reminder that i am an outsider

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which one



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Nomination time btw. I’ll be going to bed.


I just realized I’m immune to augor :thinking:

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Oh boy

I now know why I’m good lol

ach nein im isoing
what has this world come to

we should kill litten just so he can finally lose a wolfgame

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my demon will still win

that being said if I’m evil I just wasted my teams guess so

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haven’t lost a wolf game in two years

oh wait lmao its evil player not minion
i cant believe youve done this to our team litten


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