BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

Why tf was Achro killed N1

If Leafia is Augur like we’ve been assuming

who the fuck kills Achro N1 there

i bet they thought they were a scary role considering I kept whispering them idk

I already nominated myself people

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yes but we’re assuming Leafia is Augur to make Kiiruma make sense

why assume they’re a big scary role

Leafia said it herself
She can’t be augor unless she didn’t whisper the demon about achro being bad omen


She’d have to have not whispered the demon at all in this world

Even just claiming Augur is enough

Alice and eliza probably

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Cool /nominate Jarek @Playwright

when I first posted today.

so whoever is pushing me is probably demon looking for LHF but its ok, get them tomorrow!

It’s over

It is so over

/exile all
/execute all

I think I am right about 50%/50%

You literally conna’t be Demon we’re just nominating everyone

Posts that the Demon would make

Posts that the Demon would make