BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

Because Achro is a solver.
Even if Achro is made into bad omen, it’s risky to leave a powerful player alive.

Not really. It also explains why he was so cagey about being Tempted & such. And explains why none of the evils had bluffs. And such


May claimed vestal virgins who triggered upon your death.

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Which means Leafia is categorically NOT Hannibal :D

The Vestal Virgin saw Augur (Not Hannibal, nice try Leafia)
Or the unclaimed role, Standard Bearer :slight_smile:

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Unless you want your 5th claim to be Standard Bearer perhaps?
You would be confirmed.

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Kiiruma, being de as d doesn’t make you unable to talk.

I can buy them beint standard bearer who lied to us all :hmmyes:

What’s that?

They got augor/standard
when you died they got new info

Then Mau is a minion. Or Hannibal.

I’m admirer in tos2 who shkjld I propose to

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Me :pleading_face:

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Everyone should vote for May if she has been n pl minated. Hopefully she has been.


Now time to head off for now. :sleepingleafeon:


I’m #3 in Litten’s game rn

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@Amelia give me powers plz

I love watching Leafia be like “Wrong, the evidence points to me being good”

Meanwhile the evidence:
Leafia is evil
Leafia is evil
Leafia is evil
Leafia is evil


It does kill off a lot of your motivation to actually play

Especially if good

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