BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

Hell if I know. Achro.

Laughs If I really am Hannibal, probably best to execute me today so that I become good.

Out of your two, I’ve heard a counterclaim for your first claim. Are you sticking to those two?


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The fancy votecounter would actually work for this game because of the multi-vote function.


Shouldn’t as many players nominate as possible in case of Standard Bearer / Sculptor?
I know Augur and Cleopatra are risks but still.

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Sculptor gets an alignment cop from a player who might not know they’re the sculpture, and the Standard Bearer is more or less an infinite Artist if they’re nominated.

Going to head out a bit early now so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

I can’t wait to gain the Temptress ability as punishment from the storytellers.


Hey Apo, off the top of your head, how many players tried to whisper you today?

Like three or four people I think?

Have not been counting though

I’d say probably three


Okay. You actually could be a Minion then.

Why accuse me of such villainy

Avoiding whispers in order to avoid claiming, players trying to contact you anyway instead of respecting your wishes.

/break whisper BTW