BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

This is implying I put thought into how I play and I don’t like it

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Mindless gaming?

By the way what?


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that’s like the ONLY thing to do D1

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I’ll whisper you just so I have a neighbour whisper thread for later.

Of course

hmmm ok

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make the thingy

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By the way, break the whisper.

I know there was no previous conversation, it doesn’t really make sense to say, but saying BTW all the time, even when it’s not super relevant, is a habit I’ve picked up from Tumblr. It’s a popular tactic to make posts sound like they’re a snippet from a larger conversation, which is common in the style. People like making posts referencing other posts without context, the “you had to be there” kind of thing, and making short posts that sort of “build a larger world” that you can imagine in your own head.

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I arbitrarily decided nah, not going to interact with a core part of the game because I think whispers are cringe

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can you explain to me what exactly makes an apple “reddit”

Me, as a I open any new topic with Also!

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All conversations are just extensions of the same ur-conversation


/Official Whisper

Extensions and branches

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This is a Tumblr post to me

WAIT you can’t WHISPER