BOTF XIX: Fall of Rome Thread 2 GAME OVER

(I didn’t think Silviu was evil anymore about halfway through the day I tempted them, I just kept making jokes about it.)

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I even gave you an actual bluff.



I did genuinely accidentally flag my own post as spam

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Isn’t that why it’s not optimal cuz then you lose



It is optimal because then you get to play until endgame and I get to win.

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If I’m ever actually Damsel or Spartacus in one of these games, we’re going to lose off the bit aren’t we?

@Playwright I claim evil and I guess Magnus as Spartacus

@Playwright While you’re at it, can you unlock the other thread so I can quote from it

You can quote from locked threads. You just need to open a post first.

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Even worse

You’ll roll Mole

Someone’s gonna run it when it releases

I don’t think anyone can deny that Mole would perfectly suit me.

This game I literally found an evil, went for it and it was the 1 and only evil I couldn’t nominate without being sad. GDI.

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My whisper naming scheme was perfect

specifically Mole Mezepheles

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I don’t love being the Mezepheles, but I don’t think Mole Mezepheles is innately terrible.

The purpose of a double agent is to perfectly mimic your supposed role, even if it goes against your real allegiance, because remaining undercover is more important.

Actually, Mole Mezepheles is great because then you can incorporate another good player into your Mole scheme.


I think one of my favourite parts of the game was the extensive series of copium theories I went through to justify Magnus’s Temptress/Twins info without me being Hannibal

Here is a May cope compilation

Oh and I forgot the entire world I kept trying to build where baker was the Augur and I was Bad Omen from D2. And the world where Apo was Hannibal and nuto Bad Omen. And the world wh