BOTF XIX: Fall of Rome Thread 2 GAME OVER


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It’s really easy to read because there’s a funny quip in it

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Also another game in which @Achromatic dies and wins.

You most certainly would not. Protagonists need to have their thoughts run in a way contingent with the audience, but you either run all over the place, or have no inner dilemmas.
I would be a great protagonist because I have good dilemmas, and bad things happen to me, but I don’t just cause conflict for the sake of it. Plus… plot armour is a bonus.


what would you reasonable star in

Protagonists aren’t always audience avatars. Sometimes you have to open a book or play a game to go “look at this fucked up little freak”.

Evil Atheist, nooo…

monkey paw curls
it fucks up the evil teams day most of the time

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Fortress of Lies: the anime.
(I’m kidding.)

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i saw it
put quotation marks around it

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I’m the Johnny Truant of FoL. I’m the Harry Du Bois

Hey Atlas, what are your thoughts on the Harpy?

sounds like it’ll suck in longform and be fun in shortform

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my problem is its just kinda
a more interesting cere

Do I? People always say this and I never know what they’re talking about. When do I do this where are the examples

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You run all over the place, yes.

May would never run all over the place, have you seen our whispers?

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Yeah they were focused and streamlined and 100% on topic all the time

wazza was mentally stressing me out by asking me to explain something in the thread that should be considered terrorism

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