BOTF XIX: Fall of Rome Thread 2 GAME OVER

The script is 10/10 until it’s not. Add Legion you coward.

to be honest emperor being good aligned was fine
powerful travelers being good is fine in general because they are less trustworthy imo

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there’s a lot of meme roles I made on this random ahh script

i’ll run a riot script next time.

This script is 10/10

surely you send me it

the script has too many mech confirms for a botc script with little to no manipulative mechanics

it’s a poor script

it doesn’t help that I murdered two wolves but usually wolves don’t out themselves or mech confirm themslebes as evil

A good Emperor is completely okay. Travellers are supposed to have maximum power, minimal responsibility.

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Genuinely the moderror was perfect for me because it gave me infinite deduction to do (as I could not arrive at the correct answer) but I still got the satisfaction of being ~right to start with


we had to make you good with 4 evil’s and a evil merc. i think both teams downfall was no getting rid of the travs

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Litten will need to be evil next game to make it possible for evils to win. Good night again. :sleepingleafeon:

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Yeah but all the mechanics are good for my brain :)

BEST CHARACTER. i feel cheated that i didnt get this in the ultra fish bucket

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i was genuinely considering putting it in

Thinking Silviu was Demon was SAD and a bad social read but what can you do

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For the record
if the evils lied to me with incest roles it would have been much harder to solve

i would have insta died

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