BOTF XIX: Fall of Rome Thread 2 GAME OVER

Does this mean us three are a club, now?

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That’s me realising that the circuits in my brain that allow me to fetch the answers to various questions are malfunctioning and substituting the first phrase that came to mind.

And also fucking with you. I did mean to fuck with you a little bit

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That’s why I thought you were the Temptress.

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This is the song that doesn’t end~

Because of my irresistible charm?

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Truly a conversationalist for the ages.

For the record, if I am ever a player in a BOTC longform game, it is always optimal to claim to me if you’re evil. I will play along until it stops being amusing or threatens to lose the game for my team (because I don’t gamethrow).



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I appreciated that you gave me bluffs. That was very kind of you, even if I didn’t need them.

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(I didn’t think Silviu was evil anymore about halfway through the day I tempted them, I just kept making jokes about it.)

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I even gave you an actual bluff.



I did genuinely accidentally flag my own post as spam

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Isn’t that why it’s not optimal cuz then you lose



It is optimal because then you get to play until endgame and I get to win.

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If I’m ever actually Damsel or Spartacus in one of these games, we’re going to lose off the bit aren’t we?

@Playwright I claim evil and I guess Magnus as Spartacus