BOTF XIX: Fall of Rome Thread 2 GAME OVER


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For the record, a solo Legionary is equally if not more threatening than a good Emperor, imo.

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I was sooo threatening right chat. Everyone felt really threatened ? Yes?


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I think it was fine. I think changes i would make would be to make the twins into the spartacus so the evil team can hide in the Spartacus claims and maybe make VV into the standard bearer and give the VV to the evil team as a bluff. Me and rich tried everything in our power to rebalance the game after the great trumpeting incident


The Great Trumpeting Incident

I think this setup was completely fine, all things considered.
Travellers work as either alignment, good!Litten makes sense. The evil team were next to each other and were able to coordinate under the radar. The Sculptor saw the Vestal Virgin as their target, so killing May would negate half the good team’s constant investigatives. If Leafia manages to stay alive, or any evil claims Standard Bearer, the Vestal Virgin isn’t oppressing.

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Leafia and Baker are the evil MVPs tbh. She single handledly was responsible for the game lasting as long as it did. Baker survived to F5 as 1st time demon.

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I think Night put in the distance to promote an incorrect worldview, and it was bad luck that it didn’t take.

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I am glad i was able to help.

I will retire from BOTF undefeated. Perfect in every aspect of the game. Thank you all for joining me on this journey.


can I please start getting randed to be on Achro’s team my winrate is going down rapidly


Gets into game.
Nom’s leafia
Becomes bad omen.
Loses ability immediately.

All in a Achro’s work


i do think its goodsided on longform as said above but we also made lots of mistakes we were punished for
it was still winnable at rand fs

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Oh what does becoming a bad omen do? Does me becoming that and dying help town in any way?

bad omen means you lost your ability completely and now register as evil. you did this by nominating leafia who was an augur.

it didnt hurt town but it didnt help either XD

Ah i see.

So them killing me was basically one of the worst night kills possible for them?

well… there is no bad kills.

but you werent the best night 1 kill by a long shot


Achro carries again.



your one nomination was technically an evil player. so you know what. for a first game you did really well


See my profile about me for detaila.

It fits

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