BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

EBWODP: Left out in before question.


Nominator Nominee # Voters
Magnus Magnus 1 Magnus
Mistyx ElizaThePsycho 1 Mistyx
Not Voting 10 Prisma101, ElizaThePsycho, Marluna, YoubutWorse, JakeTheWolfie, Wazza, CRichardFortressLies, Squirrel2412, Atlas, Jarek

Magnus (1): Magnus
ElizaThePsycho (1): Mistyx

Not Voting (10): Prisma101, CRichardFortressLies, Squirrel2412, Atlas, Jarek, ElizaThePsycho, Marluna, YoubutWorse, JakeTheWolfie, Wazza

So we believe your claim that it’s a Fang gu world.

I asked you this, because that time Eliza was suspected being a demon.

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Okay I spoke with magnus and he’s sold me on killing YBW, if we kill YBW you’ve got an evil between me and them guaranteed dead

I’m gonna make myself lunch.

why are you sold again
because the rest of us arent

The reason being that atlas philo’d into the Savant, It’s a fang gu game thanks to me - Savant wouldn’t produce a math 1 just yet because their ability wasn’t performing abnormally N1

what is this lmao

i get down to a winning poe and leave magnus says “okay we can hold down the fort” and immediately tries pivoting out of it

now i feel like i missed something and magnus is evil here

this sounds awfully convinent
and i don’t know enough about botc to confirm if that works or not

It would have been performing abnormally D1 when they first used their ability go get information but before that - No.

There’s no source of malfunctioning outside of the demons and I know which one it is, and it’s the one that doesn’t make anyone malfunction. Unless atlas is lying about being a philo and the real philo chose someone else’s role which I have no reason to believe since nobody has cc’d atlas, YBW lied about the number and is fake

You may ask the storytellers for clarification yourself, since this is a mechanical question they are inclined to answer you.

jarek i don’t even know why that was even written that way not even the question to ask

isn’t savant literally a day role its action wouldn’t happen at night

im philo-savant fyi

Yes, that’s the point.

Savant is a day role so it being drunked on the first night when the philosopher messed with it would do NOTHING


ybw is clear then

everyone saying the opposite

It’s still a good POE. Eliza over Marluna. We were just having a conversation, outcast to outcast.