BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]


0, 0 barista’d n2, 0

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But jarek was advovating Fang gu.

Why would she want to point us in a different direction, than their minion partner?

3 zeros?

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She should only have two

and me and crich are confirmed if shes good because barista


I swear you remarked on Eliza’s information earlier.

did a
bad person die

We’ve had three nights, she doesnt gain info first night, she should only have two zeros

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i wasnt thinking ok it just clicked

was probably a mistake on my part

i just remember knowing it was all zeros and 3 nights passed


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Jarek is semi-confirmed evil, at this point.

And even if he isn’t, it almost impossible that both Jarek and Squirel is good.

it was two zeros sorry

i think

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I felt so smart for a sec dude cmon

squirrel has to be exactly cere’d


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i think
or could jarek still be cere’d