BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

amnesiac ability
each night, learn how many brain cells ybw has



I’ve mentioned this world before, BUT i think if jarek was still cere’d he would’ve pushed for a different world and/or pushed the world he is pushign FAR less (bc he was like adamant on it being fang gu when if he was mad he doesn’t need to try and vconvince that many people of that)

to be fair it was entirely my fault

reported for bullying.


i thought you accidentally falseqouted jarek as whysper

At this point he is either evil/mutant.

Makes almost no sense killing himself in any other world.

(He shouldn’t be cerelocked, cause someone else claimed N1 cere.)

If he’s mutant hes in a direct CC with Squirrel, whom I am metaing as town (sorry not sorry)

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metaing the STs that is

So he is evil. Period.

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jarek claimed my role on d1 so
and only changed it d2
unless magnus isn’t telling us something


What could I not be telling you, what?

has marluna been nommed?

i don’t think so

You can still nominate, right?

i think? I only voted to exile jake I believe and thats it

So yeah, you can nominate Marluna, no problem. Everyone else has nominated except for Eliza and yourself.

to be fair
squirrel’s Savant info was
significantly different from mine

VOTE: Marluna
VOTE: JaketheWolfie

okay but the alphabet stuff