BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

You really think you can meta… ME?!

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First of all, Eliza’s outed by Mist’s Juggler 2, and given the proximity to Jarek’s slot and maybe being a No Dashii poisoning Marluna, she’s evil here.

Mist nominated Eliza, and at the time I was the only other nominee. Atlas didn’t want me moving my vote after.

yes easily

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Worse already knew you’d react like that.


I feel insulted tbh


those are all fair reasons

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The main concern is that nobody really seems to be trying to keep Eliza alive, not even Eliza.

everyone coming back to thread and having the top wagon shifted for no real apparent reason doesn’t
really serve a purpose besides chaos

its mostly been
me and you considering her alignment

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Oh yeah, I guess you could construe my behaviour as me trying to inject doubt into executing Eliza, but whatever.


also statistically speaking at least (because im nearly certain that she got bluffs due to whispers)
ybw being evil lowers the chance of fang

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i don’t really think you care if people think that either way

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that sounded rude sorry

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I’m a lot more self conscious as evil. If you ever suspect me immediately, just towncore me.

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magnus can confirm I claimed p fast when we were in whisp, i dont think it was immediatley but we 1f1d basically immediately, and also wazza still confirms me so

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the other bluffs need to be exactly two and one syllables long for it to be a fang-gu game

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actually wait
thats wrong
you being evil raises the chance of fang gu because people think mist is juggler
so the info’s false

is it ok if I give ur syllable info literally no thought bc I don’t want to evne consider that when making worlds

that’s meannnn