BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

its not personal I just dont wanna be going like “math-ma-te-cian” into my hands trying to count the breaths multiple times just to figure out wether or not someone could have recieved a role as a bluff when I could just like not do that and probably live

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There are five syllables.

Yes, I meta that you wouldn’t use Pit Hag arbitrary deaths to kill down to 2 and give the Starsekers auto-win


i know
its just i wanna use whatever i can and my info not being worked on due to it being hard feels weird
its fine but

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i dont pronounce the E

sorry, I don’t actually mean to feel rude or make ur info feel useless, u can feel free to work on it, I’ll just be constructing worlds without it bc I think the time it would take to double check all of that would add up a lot

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Five syllables is what the internet says.

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i was given it how the storytellers wanted it to be so
mine is 100% the correct pronunciation

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and my lips are saying four, checkmate athiest


I heard evil underworlders can’t pronounce the E.


then consider me vil


Is that a challenge?



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You know if the mutant claims mutant they instantly die right

I don’t want to be rude but if you’re scumreading me because I didn’t do that and expected me to 100 percent play for the good team by dying on D1, then your thought process does not allign with mine. In BOTC there are ways good players can turn evil and even some ways evil players can turn good. It’s reasonable to play for the allignment you think you’re going to END the game on, and not neccessarily play for the allignment you started as.

I coulda been jumped and became evil and that’s a lotta fun. You know what isn’t fun? Being dead.

I’m sure some of you here have been the snake charmer before. You know how much of a mistake it is to claim to be the snake charmer outright - and it’s not because you’re scared the demon is going to kill you. It’s because if you ever hit the demon and you told anyone you were the snake charmer, then you’ve essentially just claimed to be the demon to them.

im explaining how you could be town.


I’ll be honest

after working on this I’m not sure why I’m even doing it

I think I’m gonna stop

The sentiment appears to be that I’m not.

As I said, what I am doesn’t matter because I’m dead anyway. No dead players were the demon because this game would be over, wasting more time speculating on what we were is a complete waste of time. I’ve given town my information - but just like a demon that gets snake charmed and outs themselves and is killed for it, sometimes town doesn’t listen.

The thing is I don’t think it really matters anyway since you’re solving off your information. I’m going to take credit for that. Just beware that Magnus might not be town tommorow.

it’s not completely useless ig

I found that the world with jarek/eliza (as no dashii) shouldn’t have any mech problems

Oh and this applies no matter what you think my allignment is.

There’s a pit-hag. you should be paranoid of outsiders that are alive at all times. They can make a Fang Gu. You might think that means that the ST’s would make an arbitrary kill or no kills and you might be right but whatever happens is entirely up to the ST’s including just doing nothing and letting the demon kill as normal