BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

Tbh I’m leaning towards Eliza’s 0 after Atlas and I died as always the truth. Even if Eliza is evil bluffing oracle, it make sense to tell the truth for town cred.

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Tbh Eliza’s wagon feels like mine all over again. There’s no panic to save them, which is what I’d expect if they were evil and especially so if Eliza is the Demon.

that’s true, but the wagon on jake is big enough that I don’t think evils would be that worried since it’s a 2-2 tie

though uh
now that I look at the votecount
mist is voting twice??

vote for exile, vote for elimination

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wait I forgot that was a thing

ignore what I said about jake being the cw then

Correct me if I’m wrong, yet Jake hasn’t posted even once right?

I have my doubt’s Eliza’s execution is going to end the game, as they are >rand not demon from how there is pretty much no panic in thread.

hes posted
exactly twice

Wait hold on let me think this through. If Eliza is demon and slanking hard, it would explain the lack of panic on Eliza’s part. Yet surely if you are a minion and see that your Demon who would be Eliza in this scenario is in danger of dying, you’d want to agitate for someone else’s execution no?

Ok they last posted about 30 hours ago.

Bit hard for the rest of us to see that if you aren’t explaining it as though we are 6 year olds.

Eliza is lurking. She’s been liking my posts.

You also mentioned the lack of panic around Eliza as well.

Lurking can be a wolftell, tbf.
Might be Minion-indicative if not Demon-indicative.

shouldn’t we
narrow down the people that could be the fang gu at the minimum
even if it isn’t its useful information

That’s actually a good point.

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Fang Gu theorisation? Sure.
With no evil-invoked source of poisoning, YBW is outed. That also indicates an evil between Eliza and Marluna: probably the former, according to Mist’s info.

…No, because Clockmaker 1. Swap Eliza for Prisma, and make Marluna bad. This only works if Squirrel or Jarek are mad, which I don’t believe. Squirrel’s insisting there’s an evil between them.

In a Fang Gu world, Squirrel is a Minion. YBW is also evil. By necessity of Clockmaker 1 and Seamstress pair, that forces Marluna to also be evil.

There you go.

im still confused is my cm 1 right or not

so if jarek’s telling the truth
exactly that world

or squirrel’s cere mad