BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

not to be that guy

but that’s a perspective slip

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since from your pov, if you were town, fang gu is 100% guaranteed to be in play

so pit hag can’t make a fang gu

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No it’s me accounting for all worlds that you’re seeing hence why I said regardless of my allignment

If you want to find reasons for me to be evil I don’t care because I’m dead and you’re stuck with me until this game ends but I would appreciate if everything I said wasn’t turned against me in bad faith. It’s already bad enough to be mostly shut out from the game and having to grit my teeth and bear it without that too

I’ll admit I’m confbiased but that really did look a perspective slip fmpov

though we’re thunderdomed so ig regardless of my alignment I’d be scrutinizing what you say

I’ll dial it back a little tho

I’ve already come to terms with the fact nobody is going to listen so instead of trying to make people understand me when it doesn’t matter I’ve made sweeping statements that apply regardless of if you think I am good or evil. Statements that you literally have to agree with because they make too much sense. If you ignore them I at least get to say I tried, giving up isn’t really that interesting

Nah it’s fine I get it. It’s just…unenjoyable to say the least to be ignored.


we could talk about other things

I don’t really have anything to say

I should probably do hw

you wouldn’t happen to know how to calculate voltage for the step response of an RLC circuit, would you?



so much for that idea

I’ll keep looking

if we exiled one of the travelers could someone else travel in

Eliza is Oracle with 2 0s in a row right? If we believe this is correct, then Jarek and Squirrel are both good yes?

i forbid it
i refuse to draw more art on 2 hours notice

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she was barista’d too

Yes that too.

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but the night eliza claimed to have been barista 1’d was before jarek died

the following night with a 0 could’ve been tampered with, or eliza could just be scum

I was trying to remember which night Eliza claimed to be baristaed. If it was when you and Jarek died, then it would confirm both of you as good provided they are legit Oracle.