BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

also shit i just noticed 6 left

We started with ten.

6 still isnt a lot

If it’s any consolation, it looks like a Minion suicided.

in fact with potentially two minions and (definitely) one avatar left that halfs it to three on three (not counting the dead)



i thought he wasnt cofirmed yet

Nothing else makes sense.

neither does anything else in this game though

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Nah, it’s just a fascinating logic puzzle. That’s why Sects and Violets is the best base BOTC script.

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Who wants to bet Atheist was a Demon bluff?

why is athiest so important again?

By definition, if there are starting evils on a script with Atheist then it’s a demon bluff no matter what.


The Atheist token makes everyone a good character, but lets the storytellers break the game rules to simulate the presence of an evil team.

that doesnt sound that good imo

Evils have won before on this site by convincing Town there were no evils.

that… doesnt make it seem better

Being right is so much fun you have no idea

How so? It’s a fun role.