BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

wait yeah im dumb

Yeah so I think if we assume I’m poisoned the clockmaker 4 is just hilariously so bad

I don’t know if Squirrel claimed to receive n1 info.
Eliza claims not to.

(This is relevant to determine if Math 1 info makes sense.)

Yeah, I get it.
Clockmaker 4 actually seems like it’s signalling poison, though.

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Could a math 1 be a cerenovus lol

i will be lurking
but hopefully i talk less
heres a message copy and pasted for whenever i could get away from magnus

i don’t think im needed anymore today
i’ve posted a hell of a lot
i’ll be around, probably more than the slankers, but i don’t have much to say

holf on where is it

I hope you’re not asking me to confirm whether or not I’m mad.
Either way I’d have to say I’m not.

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i did it
i talked to crich with 300 posts

I have my suspicions on you I will say

That’s part of why it’s more convenient.

If that’s the case, then Magnus probably isn’t the Demon as the Cero wouldn’t want to make their demon mad barring Magician/PG game.

Cerenovus doesn’t make people work abnormally (?)

I don’t know

Either way I suspect the math number

crich is probably not demon, unless it’s exactly atlas as the minion
legit nobody else is trying to get that slot off the block

and atlas has felt pretty decent to me

could still be minion, though I’m currently flip-flopping about that

if we’re talking vortox fodder though I’m fine with crich or one of the cms (prisma, jarek) out on a purely mechanical basis

I’ll be around for the next couple minutes but I don’t have that much time atm

It makes them lie about their role. Which means usually the info they give is false.

im fine with putting my trust in you on crich
but from what you’ve said regarding flowergirl i don’t know if you’re too certain on it, despite acting if you were
just know that i personally don’t believe it

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I think there was more you (magnus) quoted but I don’t think it was terribly relevant

In that case a math 1 might be the cerenovus

In any case a math 1 implies not a vortox

My head hurts