BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

I really don’t think I’m confirmed off of one math number and me philo’ing a clockmaker. I think we should solve off of prisma’s number.

would it put you at rest had i said i did it before as town
or that others have

A clockmaker 1 is more solvable than a 4 lets be perfectly honest


You can do that, I don’t mind looking at different worldviews.

I did a lot of internal thinking and came to the conclusion a clockmaker 4 is probably poisoned like YBW and atlas were saying yes

i said “could be poisoned”, to specify.

Because a clockmaker 4 when you think about it solves the game immediately once you find 1 evil person kill the person 4 steps from them in either direction because the minions would both have to be 4 steps away

That’s a good point you raised there.

If your examples involves “they just didn’t whisper”, not particularly. There are aggravating factors here.
If your examples are similar enough to your entrance to this game though, sure.

Yeah I don’t think it’s healthy for any of us to assume I’m philo drunking the clockmaker, they could themselves be fake but if my number is real lol

Trust me, the game continues open my execution and we have no Doppelgangers remember?

if you are working philo, your ability always drunked the person

It doesn’t work if I was poisoned

it may not work

Jarek and Eliza neighbors is something to note too.

Poisoned and drunk people who use abilities cannot affect the game-state and I would say messing up someones information affects the game state

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but also
that would mean to me either exactly me or eliza are the no dash

If Jarek’s poisoned, that indicates a Vortox or one of their neighbours being a No Dashii.
…Hmm. In the event of the latter, Atlas/Squirrel or Eliza/Marluna.


wait am i dumb

A fortune teller learning information won’t affect the game-state

A courtier drunking a role affects the gamestate