BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

I think one of them is a baddie now bc of what squirrel just replied to bc I didn’t see that

Jarek being starting Mutant does not work if Squirrel’s to be believed.


@CRichardFortressLies sorry for doubting you, but I think you were still probably the best execution.

Who is this taking about

Squirrel & Jarek

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Could someone nominate Worse? We can’t have a Witch, we probably don’t have a Fang Gu.

Which should clear me as good yes? As I’m obviously not paired evil with either of them.

Hey, Eliza. Could you explain your 1f1 with Mist?

That’s impossible
I’m the oracle with a 0 both nights

It’s odd how important being cleared seems to be for you.


I’m not evil

Ooh. Did you get true info?

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What about it
We agreed to claimswap
She claimed juggler to me, I claimed oracle

Not guranteed last night
N2 I was barista 1’d tho

How did you know two were fake?

This mean it isn’t Vortox btw

I have no idea what squirrel is doing but I have and always have been the mutant I was never anything else

I didn’t.

I said “I’d get a 1 from myself, a 2 from Mistyx, and I’ll gamble on Prisma being clockmaker.

Not how that works also I disagree

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